

Dirk Homeier, President & Owner

Dirk began American Water & Air, Inc. in 2000 with a dedication to providing quality products and customer service for customers in the greater Central Illinois region. Today, Dirk has expanded his company along with his family. Dirk is a proud father of 5 adopted, and 3 “home-grown” children. These 8 energetic and incredible children are the passion of his life.?

As his children have grown, Dirk has learned first-hand about the grace and beauty of the gifts freely offered to his children and him through Jesus Christ.  In February 2012, Dirk sustained nearly fatal injuries in a bicycling accident which almost bankrupted his business and family.  Thankfully, through God’s mercy, he recovered and is back to work again.  With a renewed vision of quality customer service and care, Dirk is working to build and restore relationships with his customers and community.  Dirk is reminded daily,  “All we have is God’s, and all good things come from Him!”

Hope—Just Add Water

American Water & Air is a family that pitches in and makes a positive social impact with our water.  We want to connect people and their water to a bigger purpose.  With every water system sold, a percentage goes to one of the missions American Water & Air supports—buying beds for The James Project, or assisting My Hope put in wells in Myanmar. 

Thank you For Partnering with us in Making a Difference in the lives of others in Our Community. If you would like to Make a Difference, please print off this form. When Others become aware, they will Make a Difference too; and that will Make the Greatest IMPACT.

picture of Dirk Homeier and his family
schedule a free water evaluation graphic

The James Project is a not-for-profit Christian ministry in Springfield, Illinois which provides homes and support for fostering families in Sangamon County.  They give help to fostering parents and the children they serve through the provision of homes with larger than average spaces, enabling a foster family to care for the maximum number of foster children allowed by Illinois state law.  The James Project also includes Closet 1:27—a ministry which serves hundreds of foster families each year by distributing clothing, beds, and necessities to newly placed foster children.  They also understand the importance of having quality foster parents to care for the displaced children in our midst, and the Call 1:27 ministry was designed specifically to provide mentoring to prospective foster and adoptive parents.

Most foster children come into care due to emergent situations bringing nothing with them but the clothes on their backs.  Foster parents are called unexpectedly and are typically expected to bring a child into their home within a few hours.  Beds are one of the most expensive and immediate needs for these children and their foster families.  DCFS requires that each child have a bed of his/her own in the home in which they are placed.  Closet 1:27 provides a complete bed to the foster family at no cost to help lessen the financial burden of taking in children so unexpectedly.  The James Project relies on donations to cover these expenses while partnering with Bemco, a local mattress manufacturer, who supplies the beds at their cost of $150.  American Water & Air is dedicated to helping The James Project by donating a portion of each sale to help purchase beds for foster children.  We invite you to learn more about The James Project at: www.thejamesproject127.com 

Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc., (MyHope) is a non-profit corporation formed in 2007 in order to bring help to the people of Myanmar.  Access to fresh clean water is something we take for granted in the West.  It is a different story in places like northwest Myanmar!  People there rely on streams, rivers, and shallow wells for their drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing.  A lack of proper infrastructure means that the rivers and streams are very polluted.

Most of the existing wells are not deep enough, and many of them are little more than holes in the ground, used by both people and animals.  The result of all of this is that the people are sickly from water-borne diseases and parasites.  It only costs about $1500.00 to put in a new concrete-lined well that is deep enough to provide clean pure water to several families.  American Water & Air supports the efforts of God's work in Myanmar by providing funds through the sales of our water systems to help My Hope to dig wells.

To learn more about My Hope, please visit their website at: http://www.myanmarhope.org/

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